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Removing AdSense Increased Landing Page Revenue A Lot

Should you put AdSense on your landing pages? There’s probably a way to make it work but my experience says no. I’ve noticed a lot of new people do it and so did we. The thinking goes “hey, if I don’t make a sale then I might get an AdSense click.”

Here’s a good example of why you should at least find out what happens without it. We were testing a campaign a few months ago and thought our landing page was the reason our conversions were low. The landing page only had a single AdSense block on it but its CTR was over 10%.

I didn’t really want to give up the Google money but threw caution to the wind and removed it. Our eCPC was higher for conversions than for AdSense clicks (big surprise). I was just hoping some of those AdSense clicker people would convert.


Dates Impressions Clicks Conversions Conversion Rate CTR Revenue
With AdSense February 1 to 21 (21 days) 1,413 297 21 7.07% 21.02% $69.14
Without AdSense February 22 to March 12 (20 days) 1,633 546 43 7.88% 33.44% $111.80

AdSense Suckage

We obviously came out ahead (62% ahead). I was most interested in the conversions per impression (rather than the slightly increased conversions per click) when I analyzed the results. After all, I’m paying for those impressions regardless of what action a visitor performs. That’s the part that blew me away at first. We got 105% more conversions from only 16% more traffic. Wow, that’s some serious AdSense leakage.

Building Better Landing Pages

You can deduce a landing page design lesson from this too. Don’t give people too many choices. Funnel them to the action that you really want them to take.


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4 comments for “Removing AdSense Increased Landing Page Revenue A Lot”

  1. that is a good point. Nice stats. I gues when people click the adsense they are leaving your site, so you are trading dollars in commission for cents.

    Posted by Tom - StandOutBlogger.com | June 26, 2008, 12:15 am
  2. @Tom

    You’re exactly right. I had no idea how much I was losing until I got rid of it.

    Posted by 47 | June 26, 2008, 11:11 pm
  3. Very nice post and I was just thinking of adding adsense to a landing page. Thanks.

    Posted by Articles | January 5, 2009, 12:55 am
  4. Thanks for sharing the stats. It is good to see this kind of info & very usefull thanks

    Posted by Neale | February 1, 2009, 8:28 am

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