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Small Internet Business

What A Failed Salesperson Teaches You About Small Internet Business

One of my favorite stories in The Millionaire Mind comes from a “failed” salesman. A group of multi-millionaires were sharing stories of how they built their wealth in a focus group. A participant starting talking and it went something this. “I worked in sales for XYZ and got fired after 4 months. Then I did sales for ABC and got fired after 2 months. Then I worked for DEF and quit right before I got fired.”

He got canned five or six more times. Obviously, his sales ability stunk. Or did they? It turned out that he was just in the wrong kind of sales. He was great at selling when it required long-term, in-depth analysis but stunk at everything else, especially the hard sell.

Eventually, he found a sales job that fit his abilities and started kicking butt. His most recent sale at the time of the focus group was a couple of million dollars. Of which, a couple hundred thousand was his commission. That’s a perfect example of testing, testing, and more testing to find what works for you.

I love it because life in the internet business world is the same way. It’s all about finding your niche and your way of making money online. We’re still searching a bit for both but every day and every failure gets us that much closer to our goals. Compared to last month or last quarter or last year, there are a whole bunch of things we can cross off the list. So just keep working because eventually something sticks if you throw enough crap at the wall.

What are some of your favorite stories about repeated failures leading to successes?

Hoping to fail a few more times this week.

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