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Small Internet Business

Why I Only Check Our Search Engine Rankings On Fridays

The internet is a great place to waste time but I’m trying to stop doing that. At least during our “small internet business” working hours. One thing that always drains my productivity is checking stats. I’m big into numbers so it’s a real weakness that I’m trying to overcome.

So I had an idea of just doing certain stat checking activities at certain times. One of those was monitoring our search engine rankings. I only do that on Friday now. Sometimes I cheat a little and do it Thursday just after midnight because, you know, technically, it’s Friday.

I realized the rankings don’t change that often so it’s kind of a waste of time to look a few times per week. Unless the New York Times links to us or something (please, please, please) which would probably change things a wee bit faster. Most likely that will show up in some other stat like analytics, or earnings, or subscribers, etc. Yup. It’s still a waste of time.

Anyway, that’s a tiny thing that helps me be more productive. I also look forward to Friday now to see how our search engine optimization efforts are working.

So how often do you check your search engine rankings?

Likes Friday for even more reasons now.

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One comment for “Why I Only Check Our Search Engine Rankings On Fridays”

  1. […] for the main keywords since this website’s been live. Yes, I’m still only checking search engine rankings once per week in an attempt to be more productive. It bounced around a lot during the first couple of weeks but, […]

    Posted by We Got A New Niche Website Out Of The Google Sandbox In A Week? | Small Internet Business Blog | April 26, 2009, 8:06 pm

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